Author Archives: Tim Proegler

SLP  Release: SessionLinkPRO | Conferencing

We are happy to announce the commercial release of SessionLinkPRO | Conferencing. The beta test phase will end on 1st of May 2017, after an extensive testing period. Regular SessionLinkPRO | Conferencing subscriptions will then be available through our online subscription system.

Prices and subscription periods will be equal to SessionLinkPRO | Recording:

  • 1 month: 20EUR
  • 6 months: 110EUR
  • 12 months: 200EUR
All prices excl. VAT

You can add a SessionLinkPRO | Conferencing subscription to an existing account or create an independent account.

SLP  Updates for all SessionLinkPRO products

The new versions of all SessionLinkPRO products are now online!

Here is an overview of the changes/new features:

SessionLinkPRO | Recording

  • the URL changed: SessionLinkPRO | Recording is now available at
  • we added a built-in recording function
  • Metering: better response time, lower CPU-usage
  • possibility to deactivate metering for slower computers

SessionLinkPRO | Video

  • the URL changed: SessionLinkPRO | Video is now available at
  • configurable video resolution and bitrate
  • increased maximum resolution, up to 1920×1080
  • remote logout the guest
  • display the remote video in a separate, scalable window
  • faster connection establishment
  • built-in screen capture functionality

SessionLinkPRO | Conferencing

  • the URL changed: SessionLinkPRO | Conferencing ist jetzt erreichbar unter
  • select the audio output from the user interface, check the audio output with a test signal
  • Metering: better response time, lower CPU-usage
  • configurable video resolution and bitrate (conference host only)
  • increased maximum resolution, up to 1920×1080 (conference host only)
  • built-in screen capture functionality
  • password protect your confernce (optional)
  • intergrated SIP client: patch a conventional phone line into the conference*

As with all larger updates, you can still reach the old versions here:
SessionLinkPRO | Recording:
SessionLinkPRO | Video:
SessionLinkPRO | Conferencing:

* SIP functionality requires a SIP account from a third-party provider. To call conventional phones, the SIP account needs to have PSTN access. Depending on the SIP provider, connection fees might apply.

SLP  Major update for SessionLinkPRO | Recording

SessionLinkPRO | Recording received a major update today. The following features have been added:

  • the audio output device can now be selected directly from the user interface – no need to use the operating systems default output anymore
  • the receive meter now displays incoming stereo signals correctly
  • a “dual mono” mode was added – connect two guests simultaneously with full channel separation

To use the new features, Chrome version 49 or above is mandatory. But don’t worry: older Chrome versions will still work with basic features. More information on the brand new “dual mono” mode can be found in the revised quick start guide in the support section of our homepage.

SLP  SessionLinkPRO | Conferencing update

A couple of new features hit SessionLinkPRO | Conferencing within the last month:

  • a fader was added to adjust your microphone level (available at setup and in the main window throughout the active conference)
  • Advanced audio processing was added to prevent feedback and echoes
  • the session host is now able to mute incoming audio streams

Mic level fader and mute

Advanced audio processing

SLP  SessionLinkPRO | Conferencing goes public

The new SessionLinkPRO | Conferencing hits public beta test stage!

Allow up to 3 clients to join your recording sessions through the web browser – from virtually anywhere. As with all SessionLinkPRO products, Conferencing is designed to be as simple as possible without compromising functionality.

SessionLinkPRO | Conferencing features amongst others:

  • high quality audio and optional video transmissions
  • uncompromised audio stream without echo cancellation and automatic gain control
  • push-to-talk functionality to prevent echos
  • up to 4 participants (including the host)
  • client access through free guest links including built-in email function

Try it now! While in public beta, SessionLinkPRO | Conferencing is free. Log in with your SessionLinkPRO | Recording account or request a fully functional trial account.

SLP  New Backup Server online

On our chase for highest availability, we’ve installed a second, completely independent backup server at

If the main server can’t be reached, just use the backup. Though this never happened up to now…

SLP  Revised Metering

SessionLinkPRO’s user interface received an update!

We’ve build a revised metering visualisation featuring a new dBfs scale and a clipping indicator for better control of your levels.

SLP  The SessionLinkPRO Network is online!

Lots of clients asked for it – here it is! The SessionLinkPRO Network directory is online.

You’ll get a free entry with the purchase of a subcription period. Customize it on our ‘Account’ page.

SLP  German homepage online

The German version of our homepage is online at

SLP  New video function enters beta test!

Our new video add-on for SessionLinkPRO is now in beta test stage. You can try it here:

Just login with your regular username and password, select your video source and send a video link to the guest. You may use your webcam, or, if you want to stream your production video, you can use a capture device to grab the video from your DAW. Blackmagic cards like e.g. Blackmagic Intensity and some Canopus cards work well. You can also try to use a screencapture with Camtwist or XSplit.